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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chlorella and cilantro for amazing daily detox and maintenance

By Paul Fassa

The more you read NaturalNews and other health sites that are truthful, real, and don't pull punches, the more you're probably realizing that we are all under siege with toxins -- especially heavy metals -- in our air, water, and food.

Heavy or toxic metals, such as cadmium, lead, mercury, and aluminum degenerate the body's immune system, leading to poor health and disease. If you have dental amalgams (mercury fillings) for example, you are inadvertently releasing mercury vapors into your body.

According to a Japanese study, cancer cells all contain mercury. Removing mercury fillings is tricky and dangerous, unless you can find and afford a holistic or biological dentist.

Regardless of what we do to minimize toxins and pollutants in our food, water, domiciles, cosmetics and household cleaners, there are endless amounts of environmental toxins to battle on a daily basis; this doesn't include the residual toxic buildups in our bodies from earlier in our lives.

So what thenshouldwe do? Detoxify heavy metals continually, daily. Here's one relatively inexpensive, effective method that's quite simple to do on a daily basis -- consuming chlorella and cilantro as often as possible. Read more...

AyurGold for Healthy Blood

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