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Friday, August 25, 2006

New Water Science Breakthrough: Did You Miss This 2003 Nobel Prize Winning Discovery? Learn How This Affects Your Hydration and Health…

By Joshua Parker
August 4, 2006
Did you know that only one water molecule can be transported into an ion channel at a time?
If this is the case then why would it be beneficial to drink water which is structured to be in clusters of 5-10 water molecules per cluster?
Is water clustering simply a theory of water activation which is on its way out?
Water. We know that we need it for life but do we really understand its energetic nature?
Water is a polar molecule, meaning one side is more electrostatically charged-the other, more negative. A liquid by common definition consists of molecules in constant motion.
Combining just these two properties - constant motion and the polarity which brings about alternate attraction and repulsion - we have a extremely complex medium, much more complex than any mainstream textbook has ever described!
“So what does this mean for you?”
We are facing a global water crisis in the near future due to our lack of understanding of this complex and powerful substance but recent research into water’s amazing properties can help us maintain our health.In the early twentieth century, Viktor Schauberger studied water and the Earth’s natural processes and predicted most of the problems which we now face with our natural resources, especially water. He was very vocal against what he considered to be the devastation of the once vital great rivers of the world by conventional river engineers and hydrologists who lacked his understanding of water’s natural process.
Schauberger characterized water as a “living” substance and considered it the blood of Mother Earth. One unique characteristic of water is its temperature anomaly point. Schauberger found that water is densest at a temperature of +4 degrees centigrade (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit). All other fluids become consistently denser with cooling until the freezing point-except water.
A more recent discovery about water with significant impact for the future of your health led to a Nobel Prize in chemmistry in 2003.
I’ll explain this important recent discovery in a minute after we establish this historical foundation…
Schauberger introduced the concept of water “memory” and explained that water molecules are very sensitive to their surroundings.
Water is literally a liquid crystal that retains tonal frequencies in its structure similar to the way a magnetic tape records sound.
Nature maintains a high-frequency vitality in what Schauberger considered “ripe” spring water by creating meandering stream channels and always flowing in circular paths.
Municipal water on the other hand, is recycled many times through hundreds of miles of straight metal pipes under high pressures which are never present in nature. These conditions decrease water’s natural high-frequency memory or momentum. Slower spin on water molecules means easy proliferation of micro-organisms and makes water thicker or more viscous. Which type of water would you rather drink?
Most notable for you to understand is what led to a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003. A type of protein was discovered which is essentially the delivery mechanism carrying water molecules into and out of your cells.In the research that lead to Dr. Peter Agre’s Nobel Prize, it was discovered that the primary mechanism for transporting water into cells utilizes a group of proteins now called Aquaporins. There are many different types of Aquaporins, serving to selectively allow water molecules into the cells while simultaneously preventing “junk” from entering the cells.
These vitally important water channel molecules are now understood to be responsible for 10 times more hydration of your cells than other mechanisms that your cells use to hydrate.
What should we really be looking for in water now that this discovery of the Aquaporin proteins has been brought to light?
To answer this question it’s necessary to dig deeper into just what Dr. Agre and his colleagues have figured out…Aquaporins form a thick molecule that is shaped like an hourglass which spans from outside the cell all the way inside. Only one molecule of water can fit through at a time…
The electrical fields of the aquaporin water channel force your water to form a single file line of water molecules to enter your cells. (Remember that “polarity” I mentioned? That’s what the Aquaporin exploits to make the water line up.)
This field even forces the water molecules to enter the channel with the oxygen molecule facing down and leave the channel with the oxygen molecule facing up!
These water channels have been identified for water transport in kidney, red blood cells, gastro-intestinal tract, sweat gland, and lung cells. Disruption of aquaporin gene function has been associated with a number of human diseases.
To understand how this technology will affect your health the first thing for you to understand is what factors most affect water movement. The most important factor for kidney function as well as other cellular hydration seems to be the specific gravity of your water.Specific gravity is a measure of the density of a substance compared to that of pure water. You’d think there wouldn’t be much to evaluate here – water vs. “pure water” but in actuality there is a big difference. Drinking water that has a specific gravity very close to 1.000 may be a vital key to better hydration. Research suggests that water must be below a specific gravity of 1.009 to hydrate the cells effectively.
Recent preliminary testing on a new water technology that is easy to use and very low cost has been shown to change the specific gravity of tap water from 1.023 to 1.003. This same technology was evaluated to change purified water from 1.011 to 1.002.The impact this will have on your life and health is profound, as water molecules with ideal specific gravity are shown to move through cells more fluidly. Relating this to the new knowledge of how Aquaporins help channel water, we now have amazing tools to maximize the purity and energetic nature of the water we put into our bodies every day.
Now that you know what the Nobel committee deemed worthy of the most prestigious prize in Science, take a moment to let me know what sort of questions come up in your head about them.
Post your questions and comments here on this page so I can easily see them and respond to them. You will get responses from me and other experts in this field by posting here.

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