ParaTrex 728x90 Animated 90% could you be one

Monday, July 03, 2006


HORMONAL BALANCE: Among the most important herbs for treating gynecological problems are the berries from vitex, an attractive tree from the Mediterranean. Vitex is one of the few herbs known to balance a woman's hormones, and so has become invaluable for many different formulas. To help keep excessive estrogen in line, you should also take herbs that are good for the liver, such as burdock.

Breast Cyst Tea: 1 teaspoon each burdock root, mullein leaves and dandelion root½ teaspoon each prickly ash bark and cleavers leaves1 quart water
Combine ingredients. As soon as your breasts begin to feel uncomfortable, try to drink at least 2 cups daily. This formula can also be taken as a tincture or in pill form.

Breast Compress½ teaspoon tincture of calendula flower 10 drops. Essential oil 3 drops each ginger and chamomile essential oils1 cup warm water 2 cloths.

Combine ingredients in a shallow bowl. Swish a small, soft cloth in the solution. Wring cloth out over the bowl and fold it into several layers. Place over swollen breast while the cloth is still warm and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Run another cloth under cold water and wring it out. Exchange the warm compress for the cold one, and leave on about 2 minutes. If you have the time, alternate the cloths a few times.

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit with Livatrex™, Oxy-Powder®, Latero-Flora™ and two bottles of ParaTrex®.