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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health

by: Paul Fassa

Statistical evidence shows that lung issues such as asthma and COPD have risen considerably over the past two decades. While there may be a few factors behind this, hardly anyone includes chemtrails as one of them.

Scientists and governments have allowed some "limited hangouts" (partial disclosures) on chemtrails or stratospheric geo-engineering, framing it as "experimental." They openly discuss geo-engineering as "potential" solutions for weather control and protection against global warming.

Apparently, they've been doing a lot of open "experimenting" since the early 1990s. They don't really have to deny much. There's plenty of denial from those on the ground who don't look up to see anything different. Or upon noticing chemtrails, they will argue that they are contrails.

There are even internet pages devoted to "scientifically" debunking chemtrails as erroneous conspiracy theories, similar to "Quackwatch" sites that go after medical practitioners who successfully treat disease without drugs.. Readmore…

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