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Saturday, March 03, 2012

Eugenics: Doctor denies young girl kidney transplant because

Eugenics: Doctor denies young girl kidney transplant because she is considered mentally retarded
by: Ethan A. Huff

The value placed on human life in American society today is in rapid decline. The mindset in vogue today is one that looks at mentally- or developmentally-impaired individuals as less than human, and not worthy of receiving the same care and dignifying treatment as everyone else. Even many so-called doctors have fallen for this eugenicist propaganda, denying life-saving transplants to individuals considered to have less-than-optimal brain function.

The heartbreaking story you are about to read recently occurred at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHP), where an arrogant, uncaring doctor and his social worker pawn told the parents of a young girl with mental impairment that she is not eligible for a needed organ transplant at their hospital. Even though both parents expressed willingness to donate one of their own organs for the transplant, the doctor in question still refused, recommending that the girl just be left to die. Read more...

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