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Saturday, November 05, 2011

Dental disease as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease

Some years ago, the Finnish government sponsored a comprehensive study of the health risks of the Finnish people. They measured the rates of all kinds of diseases and did statistical correlations to see if there were any correlations. In an article published in British Medical Journal (BMJ), 1989 Mar 25;298(6676):779-81 showed that there was an unexpected correlation between dental disease and systemic disease (stroke, heart disease, diabetes). After correcting for age, exercise, diet, smoking, weight, blood cholesterol level, alcohol use and health care, people who had periodontal disease had a significantly higher incidence of heart disease, stroke and premature death.Read more...

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit with Livatrex™, Oxy-Powder®, Latero-Flora™ and two bottles of ParaTrex®.