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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Green tea better at preventing cancer and dementia than previously thought

For years, we covered the mounting research linking green tea and its extracts to a host of disease-fighting benefits -- from halting the progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia ( and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease to protecting the oxygen-deprived brain from memory loss ( and preventing breast cancer (, It almost sounds too good to be true, right? Actually, a new study has revealed that green tea is an even more incredible natural health enhancer than anyone knew previously.

Scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom have just discovered that when green tea is consumed, the digestive process in the gut creates powerful chemicals that work to protect the body against two of humankind's most dreaded diseases -- Alzheimer's and cancer. The research, headed by Dr. Ed Okello, was recently published in the academic journal Phytomedicine. Read more...

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