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Friday, June 24, 2011

Experts Say Hormone Replacement Generally Safe in Short-Term

(HealthDay News) -- Treatment with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), if tailored to an individual woman's needs, appears to be safe during menopause, according to a report scheduled for release Friday at the World Congress on Menopause in Rome, Italy.

"The evidence is quite compelling that young, healthy women do quite well and benefit in several ways," said Dr. Roger Lobo, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University in New York City, a member of the working group that updated the HRT guidelines for the International Menopause Society.

"I think the main finding is, the major indication for HRT is symptoms," Lobo said. "Young" refers to women 50 to 59 at the start of menopause, he said.

The recommendations may help to settle the controversy that arose in 2002 on the heels of an alarming report from the large-scale Women's Health Initiative (WHI). That study, which began as a prevention trial for heart disease, concluded that HRT did not protect the heart and that its risks outweighed the benefits for preventing chronic disease. Read more...

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