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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vitamin D recommendations have been raised, but not enough

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

A few weeks ago, the Institute of Medicine (IOM surprised many of us when it announced its new dietary reference intake (DRI for vitamin D ( The consensus of the scientific community was that the previous DRI of 400 IU was insufficient, and that supplementation with at least 1000 IU would be necessary for most people to achieve vitamin D sufficiency. The IOM disagreed.

The IOM’s new recommendations:
- Recommended intake: 600 IU per day (for children and adults under age 70)
- Tolerable upper limit (amount not to be exceeded in one day): 4000 IU (raised from 2000 IU)
- Sufficient blood 25(OH)D level: 20 ng/ml

Blood sugar levels, Healthy blood

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