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Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Vitamin C and Treatment of Cancer

It is clear from this excellent 10 year old review of mainstream published literature including papers from National Cancer Institute that the current focus on using Vitamin C in cancer is well founded but short sighted when doctors who have not studied the subject in any depth erroneously conclude that only intravenously administered vitamin C has value in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Vitamin C & Treatment of Cancer: Part I
Abstracts and Commentary from the Scientific Literature by Gary Null, PhD; Howard Robins, DPM; Mark Tanenbaum, DPM; & Patrick Jennings, Editor Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients - May 1997
Note: The information on this website is not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a qualified, licensed professional.

Why Review the Scientific Literature?
Proper basic nutrition is an essential foundation for health, but there is a growing awareness that it's not enough. One has only to consider the high disease rates in our society - infectious diseases are now the third largest killer in the US as well as the first in the world, and our rates of cancer, arthritis, and mental illness are not abating - to realize that we have to go beyond basic nutrition in combating disease. It is time to look at supplemental nutrients in a serious light, in order to better understand their role in helping our natural immune defenses prevent disease, and in altering the course of disease as well. Read more...

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