ParaTrex 728x90 Animated 90% could you be one

Monday, February 06, 2006


Ozone is not a drug and it is not a magic bullet. It is a therapeutic tool of great power which can aid the body in regaining health. However, in the end, it is the immune system that has to do the work of healing the body. Therefore, the immune system must be functioning.
The immune system is controlled by the midbrain, the limbic system, through the thymus. The limbic system also controls the emotions. If the emotions are disrupted, the immune system is suppressed or shut down.
Recent research by Dr. Glen Rein of the Heartmath Institute has shown that the thymus, the general of the army of the immune system, is regulated by sympathetic resonance with the heartbeat. By measuring the regularity of the hearbeat with an electrocardiogram, Dr. Rein was able to show that irregular heartbeat, as caused by emotional upset, produced erratic thymus function, which suppressed the immune system. Dr. Rein also found that it was possible to train people to control their heartbeat and raise their level of immune function. Since ozone has a well-known calming and analgesic effect, perhaps ozone therapy causing restoration of heartbeat regularity has a role to play in enhancing the immune system, along with interleukin-2 stimulation. Ozone is already used as a treatment for heart arhythmia. Therefore, prolonged use of ozone would enhance the immune system by contributing to a calm, even heartbeat, produced by a well-oxygenated heart pumping clean bright red blood through plaque-free arteries. A holistic approach should include work on the psyche, exercise, and nutrition, as well as ozone. By using ozone in the Sonnet steam cabinet, the patient can be easily placed in a calm and relaxed state of mind, which facilitates the unearthing of deep-seated emotional problems by a skilled therapist. The resolution of such problems often has a greater importance in the reattainment of health than all other therapies. In addition, oxidized toxins are sweated out through the skin, rather than dumped to the liver, which is important in preventing toxic shock in patients whose liver function is poor. Exercise is also an important adjunct to ozone therapy, and is not to be overlooked. The lymph system contains 90% of the water in the body and must be cleaned. Since the lymph system has no pump like the heart, the lymph tends to become toxified and sluggish. The use of a rebounder followed by the steam cabinet will go a long way towards cleaning the lymph. Nutritional supplementation needs to include organic sulphur, which is critical for the production of many essential amino acids, such as glutathione for respiration and methionine for liver function. Organic sulphur is essential for the maintenance of youthful, flexible cells. Since it is difficult to obtain in our diets, the best sources are bluegreen algae, wheatgrass juice and aloe vera. Research over 20 years has shown that aging is also related to declining production of the hormone DHEA. If the hormone is taken directly, the body halts production, resulting in a dependency. However, if the precursor, which is extracted from the wild yam plant, is ingested, the body increases its production of DHEA without developing a dependency. This precursor has now become available as Emprise Plus and as Diosin.
The combination of ozone, exercise, nutrition, aloe vera and yam plant extract should ensure greater vitality and fewer degenerative diseases in our aging population as we approach the next century, at an affordable cost.

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit with Livatrex™, Oxy-Powder®, Latero-Flora™ and two bottles of ParaTrex®.